
"Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them" ribbit ...ribbit.......ribbit.......

Friday, February 20, 2009

recovering from SHOCK!

my mum scared the living daylights out of me today. As usual, I left her in her wheelchair (wheels locked) while I went to get a cab outside the clinic after her medical appointment. I managed to get a cab and hop inside while we went to fetch my mum. As the cab reversed towards the clinic entrance, I was too shocked when the cabbie told me that my mum just wheeled herself out of the clinic. I had a bad feeling that the wheels would got caught in the upcoming drain. I could not sprung out of the cab in time and I saw her flung out of the wheelchair before my eyes. She hit her forehead and within seconds, there was a big bump. Good thing, the clinic has X-ray facilities. She was given the green light to go home as there was no visible fracture......... the thought of incident still give me shivers...